

This clinic closed its’ doors on Friday 13 December 2024

(Previous update 15 December 24. This update 7 February 2025)

We hope that you had a great Christmas and New Year.

Over the past 2 years the practitioner Moree Coburn has been semi-retired and the clinic has only been open Wednesdays to Fridays.

We have sent several notification and reminder emails, since beginning of November 2024, to many patients on our database containing thousands of existing patients, to advise that Moree, who is now 78 years of age, is fully retiring and the business itself will close completely and permanently on Friday 13 December 2024.

We have also been referring patients to another practitioner in a different business who will continue their treatment in a manner similar to what our patients have been accustomed during our 31 years in business.

Going forwards, we can no longer post orders to existing patients as stock that we had “left over”,  has now been reallocated, we no longer have access to eftpos/credit card facilities and our “packing room” is currently still in boxes in a storage facility since we cleared out from our premises on 22 January 2025.

Our clinic phone number 9522 2540 has been diverted to a voicemail system and is not monitored in real time.

If you are an existing patient and have dealt with us in the past 12  months or so and you need to contact us for any reason, including to be provided with access to the Patient File Transfer Authority Form, it is best to please contact us through this link to our email us form  HERE and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

If the last time you have dealt with us was more than 12 months ago, or you have NEVER been to us before, then you may prefer to directly contact the practitioner who we have been referring patients to as follows, noting that she mainly conducts Telehealth consultations ONLINE ( like Zoom / MS Teams etc:) or PHONE consultations, and then products and medicines can be posted to patients, or you may be able to organise a personal VISIT at her location:

Di Wallace Psoriasis & Skin Clinic – Gosford:

Phone: 0480 609 955

EMAIL: diannewallacepsc@gmail.com

Thanks for the opportunity to assist you with your skin and general health issues over the past 31 years.

Moree and Rob


We have been providing skin treatment services to the community for almost 25 years from our clinic location at Sylvania in Sydney, after having been located at 2 other locations previously (NOW CLOSED).

Moree CoburnMoree Coburn is our Senior Practitioner and is also an original owner of this business since 1994. She practices Complementary Dermatology¹.

Moree has assisted thousands of people to get their various skin conditions under control through our centre here in Sydney. This business practices the exclusive and outstanding  protocols  and prescribes the naturally-based “Practitioner Only”  medicines  and topical products of Professor Michael Tirant² .

Skin conditions treated by this clinic include Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, Rosacea, Acne, Ichthyosis, Pityriasis, Urticaria (hives), Fungal and Nail conditions, Granuloma Annulare and many more.

CLICK HERE for our Dealing with Children page

Although all our practitioners have current registration under the “Dealing with Children” code, our business stand has been for many years that we generally did not treat children under approximately 5 years of age.

However, commencing 1 Oct 2022 our policy changed and although we will continue to treat children under 18 years of age who are still in current treatment, we now do not commence treatment with new patients under 18 years of age and may not reactivate treatment with previous patients who are still under 18 years of age. (See our policy HERE)

We deal with the TRIGGERS, which activate and exacerbate episodes, and which are diet, hormonal, stress and lifestyle-related. We also support the immune system and treat the symptoms using oral “Practitioner-Only” medicines and topical products.

Our primary focus is on  breaking the stimulus – symptom cycle. This is achieved by supporting the immune system and other bodily systems to assist with healing of the symptoms as we aim for long-term remission from symptoms.

Unless that cycle is broken, skin condition symptoms continue to resist healing because new lesions come up as fast as the noticeable symptoms are removed with some other skin treatment methods.

The skin treatment protocols that we use have stood the test of time as they are based upon sound scientific principles relating to nutritional and evidence-based natural medicine³.

What Do We Do?

How we treat Skin Conditions

Our treatment of skin conditions is based upon the premise that dealing with the triggers, as well as dietary and stress factors is integral to the successful treatment of skin conditions long-term.

Histamine inducing factors due to allergic responses to certain stimuli resulting from the intake of  specific foods, types of foods and other external stimuli, are the primary causative factors of skin condition symptom break-outs.

If only the symptoms are dealt with, by just using creams, other ointments, lotions etc, without due consideration of the causative factors of skin conditions, such as genetic predispositions as well as the many diet and lifestyle factors, it’s a little like only playing with “half the deck” !

All the oral medicines that we use to treat skin conditions are effective in helping patients to break the stimulus – symptom cycle, and are TGA Listed Nutritional Medicines (have Aust-L numbers).

Topical products (creams, ointments, gels, lotions etc) prescribed by us are generally pleasant to use, and just like the oral medicines, contain no dangerous, or addictive chemical substances. They are considered safe for dermatological use, especially on sensitive skin.

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What Sort of Success Do Our Patients Experience?

Although many skin conditions are incurable, our treatment targets the triggers and the symptoms. A great number of patients have had considerable success with  our treatment protocols. Subsequent to successful treatment, numerous patients choose to then refer their family, friends and other people to us.

See our 3 testimonials pages (all comments are verifiable):

Testimonials 1         –         Testimonials 2         –        Testimonials 3      

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While Psoriasis and some cases of Eczema/Dermatitis are incurable, many types of Eczema symptoms are fully resolvable. When the condition is incurable, it is because in these cases the skin condition is auto-immune based and therefore genetic in origin. Our minimum dermatological goal is to assist our patients to significantly reduce or clear up their skin condition symptoms, and attain long-term remission !

The medicines (tablets, Creams, Ointments etc) that we provide to patients of the clinic, and the skin treatment protocols by which we prescribe those products,  are the result of 3 decades of extensive research, trials and clinical experience.¹

The protocols that we use are designed to provide nutritional support for patients to help reduce the occurrence of skin condition symptoms, and to help de-sensitize patients to the secondary triggers, ( diet, lifestyle, hormonal and chemical factors) which act to exacerbate many skin conditions.

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Other Information

Sydney Psoriasis skin clinics practices nutritional medicine to treat and clear up the symptoms of skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, Acne, Rosacea, Itch, Psoriatic Arthritis, Ichthyosis, Urticaria (hives), rashes, allergies, Pityriasis, Tinea, other Fungal and fungal nail problems and other dry, flaky, red, itchy, skin rashes etc, by treating the underlying triggers as well as the symptoms.

The skin disorders that we treat at our skin clinics include the above and we also treat general itchy skin, dry skin, general rashes, erythrodermic psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, psoriasis vulgaris, guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, acne rosacea, psoriatic arthritis and many other skin conditions and disorders are also treated by the clinic.

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Is Psoriasis incurable ?

Yes,  Psoriasis is incurable as it is a genetic, auto-immune condition (in other words, one which confuses self with non-self and the body attempts to shed its own skin at a faster rate).

Our aim is to assist patients into a long-term remission state  where they just don’t get the symptoms on a regular basis anymore. While many patients are able to heavily reduce their symptoms down to manageable levels, others are able to completely clear the symptoms for  varying periods of time.

Is Eczema Dermatitis incurable ?

In many cases we can assist patients to clear up Eczema or Dermatitis symptoms, but some types of Eczema are genetically-based and are therefore incurable, however patients regularly experience high levels of success with the  protocols that we utilise to either heavily reduce or even to completely clear up Eczema symptoms at that time.

Is Rosacea incurable?

Once again, Rosacea can have genetic influences which act as causative factors, and so, although we commonly heavily reduce symptoms in patients using the protocols and products, others have cleared up their Rosacea symptoms, while others again may only achieve long-term remission of their Rosacea – meaning that the symptoms totally clear up at that time for an indefinite period.

How Can I Get Your Assistance?

An initial consultation with us takes about 30 minutes at one of our conveniently located clinics.

There is no need for a Referral to see one of our Practitioners.

There is NO MEDICARE involvement. See our COSTS page by clicking HERE

Our clinic here in Sydney is open between Tuesday and Friday each week (see our Clinic Pages by clicking HERE for further information).

Please call us on 02 9522 2540 for this information.

¹  http://www.mtdermaceuticals.com/history/

²  http://www.mtdermaceuticals.com/tirsel-manufacturing-and-distribution/

³ a) https://www.psoriasiseczema.com.au and

³ b) https://www.biolifesas.org/EN/Y2016/V30/I2(S3)/49


SYDNEY PSORIASIS – Treatment for Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, Acne, Rosacea, Pityriasis, Fungal Infections etc – Based upon Decades of experience

Sydney Psoriasis Skin Clinics